Payment terms are strictly cash on delivery unless credit facilities have
been agreed in advance.
EFG is prepared to open credit accounts upon receipt of
satisfactory references. If suitable references are not available
the account will be dealt with on a strictly COD basis.
We do accept VISA & MASTERCARD payments however a 3% surcharge
will be added to the invoice(s) for this service.
All accounts must be settled no later than the 14th of the month
following the invoice date.
EFG reserves the right, at its discretion, to charge interest on overdue
accounts. The rate of interest shall be 3% per month from the due date
until the amount is cleared. EFG may exercise this right in addition to
any other it may have in respect of the goods or non - payment.
Cheques returned by the Bank marked ‘refer to drawer’ or ‘refer to
drawer, please re-present’ may be subject to charge to cover the
appropriate bank charge.
The title of the goods shall remain vested with EFG and shall not pass
until the customer has paid in full for the goods.
The number of items delivered must be checked in the presence of the
driver. Claims for shortages should be dealt with at the time of delivery
with the driver. Any claims must be made to EFG on the same day. EFG
regret that we are unable to accept claims for shortages if the above
procedure is not adhered to.
In the first instance claims regarding damages must be made through the
driver at the time of delivery. The latest EFG must receive all claims for
damaged goods is the day following delivery. Damaged goods should be
held awaiting instructions for collection or disposal.
All applications for the return of goods, unless at the time of
delivery, must be made through EFG Sales Office. The driver
will not collect goods unless the appropriate collection note has been
approved and issued by EFG. We are unable to accept chilled and frozen
products for return unless notified as damaged or faulty at the time of
delivery. This ensures that temperature integrity is maintained.
Goods subject to VAT are quoted exclusive of VAT.
The supply of listed goods is subject to the price ruling at the date of
invoice and the stock availability.
This list supersedes all previous lists and is subject to alteration
without notice.
EFG is prepared to split some manufacturers’ outers. A split case charge
may be made for this service.
A minimum delivery order of £120.00 is required and will be delivered
free of delivery charge. Any order below this value may incur a delivery
surcharge of £10.00 + VAT.
We submit that at the date of delivery the goods will comply with the warranties
implied by The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) and with the
requirements of The Food Safety Act 1990 and all other applicable laws
and regulations.
Cages, pallets and crates are not included in the price of goods and
remain the property of EFG.
Limits of Liability: Our liability for breach of contract (including defective
goods, claims about quality or condition or short
or incorrect deliveries) shall be limited at our own option to
replacement of the goods or the correction of any shortfall or otherwise
a refund. A refund is issued by way of a credit note.
The above does not exclude or restrict our liability for death
or personal injury resulting from our negligence. Please ask for
a full copy of the “Full Terms of Trading” of which the above is
a summary.
Any order placed with EFG Foodservice will be understood as
an acceptance of the above terms and conditions by the buyer.
Head Office address: 28 Lee Conservancy Road, Hackney,
London, E9 5HW. EFG London - EFG Foodservice is the trading name
used by the business of Essex Flour & Grain Co Ltd.
Email: info@efgfoodservice.co.uk
Terms and Conditions