We are the London and Home Counties member of Country Range Group.
We are relieved to have survived the worst that 2012 could possibly have
thrown at us, ie the London Summer Olympics right on our doorstep.
We are now gearing up to supply new and old customers to the ever more
demanding standards rightly expected by the best. Like swans we work hard
Michael Spinks
Chairman and
Managing Director
under the surface to maintain a calm and efficient customer experience!
We are proud to provide employment in inner East London and we continue to be deeply
concerned about the environment and our impact on it. We hope you will recommend us to
your friends!
Now trading as EFG Foodservice, we are
an independent, family run company
trading since 1853. We supply a wide
range of ambient, chilled, frozen, and
non-food products from our depots
in Hackney, London and Stevenage,
Hertfordshire, as well as from our sister
company,Michael Celtic Spinks,Foods in Chairman
Dock, Pembrokeshire. As ever, we are
proud of the level of employment of
local staff at all our depots.
We will be focussing on the very
important issue of sustainability
over the next couple of years. Whilst
sustainability has long been a concern
of ours, we have challenged ourselves
to put it at the heart of everything we
do and make it a priority amongst our
customers. Already we have changed
our operations to reduce waste sent
to landfill and reduce our gas and
electricity usage. Additionally we are
stocking products to facilitate our
customers in the food-to-go market
in going plastic free. We have big plans
afoot, be sure to check out our blog for
updates throughout the year.
Price comparison across foodservice
providers is common practice amongst
those in the food industry. It does
however encourage suppliers to attempt
to compete solely on price. We have
chosen a different policy here at EFG
Foodservice. We offer what we call fair
pricing. We will never artificially inflate
prices and then offer discounts, nor will
we discount a product below its cost
value to lure in new customers. When
you buy from us you can rest assured
that you pay for the cost of the product
and the service we offer you. If prices
rise or fall, this is reflected in the price
you pay.
My colleagues and I welcome any
opportunity to meet you to discuss your
foodservice requirements. With over
150 years’ experience and a customer
base that spans all types of modern
foodservice we are well equipped with
the expertise to be a valued partner to
your business.
We know that 2019 is going to
be a challenging one for the
foodservice sector. As things
stand at the time of printing this,
the UK will be leaving the EU at
the end of March 2019. At present,
we do not have a solid idea of
what this departure will look like
and what the implications will be
for either you our customers, or
for ourselves. As such we have
taken certain steps to safeguard
our business and our service
levels to you, our customers.
As part of our environmental policy this brochure is printed using vegetable oil based ink and
is produced to high environmental standards, including EMAS, ISO14001 and FSC® certification.
First and foremost, we would like to
reassure you that some things won’t
change. Our membership of both
The Country Range Group, giving
us a quality own-label portfolio
of almost 800 products, and of
The Unitas Buying Consortium,
enable us great buying efficiencies
and the ability to be competitive
on price. We have also invested in
additional warehouse facilities at
our Stevenage depot, effectively
doubling our storage there. We will
be using this space to increase our
stock levels of key product lines.
Notes on Brexit: