Sustainability is the name of
the game. If going into 2019
you would like to see how your
business could reduce its
environmental impact via the
products you buy please get
in touch. We can support you
on going plastic free, adding
more vegetarian and vegan
options to your menus or
looking at products that will
create less waste for landfill.
We are the London and Home Counties member of Country Range Group.
We are relieved to have survived the worst that 2012 could possibly have
thrown at us, ie the London Summer Olympics right on our doorstep.
We are now gearing up to supply new and old customers to the ever more
demanding standards rightly expected by the best. Like swans we work hard
We are the London and Home Counties member of Country Range Group.
We are relieved to have survived the worst that 2012 could possibly have
thrown at us, ie the London Summer Olympics right on our doorstep.
under the surface to maintain a calm and efficient customer experience!
We are proud to provide employment in inner East London and we continue to be deeply
concerned about the environment and our impact on it. We hope you will recommend us to
your friends!
We are now gearing up to supply new and old customers to the ever more
demanding standards rightly expected by the best. Like swans we work hard
under the surface to maintain a calm and efficient customer experience!
We are proud to provide employment in inner East London and we continue to be deeply
Michael Spinks, Chairman
concerned about the environment and our impact on it. We hope you will recommend us to
your friends!
We are the London and Home Counties member of Country Range Group.
We are relieved to have survived the worst that 2012 could possibly have
thrown at us, ie the London Summer Olympics right on our doorstep.
We are now gearing up to supply new and old customers to the ever more
demanding standards rightly expected by the best.Like swans we work hard
under the surface to maintain a calm and efficient customer experience!
We are proud to provide employment in inner East London and we continue to be deeply
concerned about the environment and our impact on it. We hope you will recommend us to
your friends!
Michael Spinks, Chairman
We are the London and Home Counties member of Country Range Group.
We are relieved to have survived the worst that 2012 could possibly have
thrown at us, ie the London Summer Olympics right on our doorstep.
We are now gearing up to supply new and old customers to the ever more
demanding standards rightly expected by the best. Like swans we work hard
under the surface to maintain a calm and efficient customer experience!
We are proud to provide employment in inner East London and we continue to be deeply
concerned about the environment and our impact on it. We hope you will recommend us to
your friends!
Michael Spinks, Chairman
We are the London and Home Counties member of Country Range Group.
We are relieved to have survived the worst that 2012 could possibly have
thrown at us, ie the London Summer Olympics right on our doorstep.
We are now gearing up to supply new and old customers to the ever more
demanding standards rightly expected by the best. Like swans we work hard
under the surface to maintain a calm and efficient customer experience!
We are proud to provide employment in inner East London and we continue to be deeply
concerned about the environment and our impact on it. We hope you will recommend us to
your friends!
Michael Spinks, Chairman
Michael Spinks, Chairman
Regardless of the outcome of
Brexit, we will remain focused on
exceptional service levels, finding
new products where needed,
or offering suitable alternatives
should product supply become
an issue. We would add too that
we are confident in our abilities to
be able to address any challenges
head on and shall assist you in
any way we can to do the same. If
you have any particular concerns
regarding this matter, either now
orfollowing Brexit, please do not
hesitate to get in touch.